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Child Dentistry


Pediatric dentistry (Child Dentistry) is the specialty that is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of oral diseases in children from birth to adolescence.


We have a highly qualified pediatric dentist to cover any need that a child's mouth may need.


Care of the baby's mouth should be done in the period of breastfeeding with a series of appropriate measures after each milk intake. With the appearance of the first baby teeth until complete replacement by the final teeth, the child's oral hygiene should continue to be monitored.


Oral health care should also be performed on the pregnant woman, a mother with a healthy mouth will have a child with a healthy mouth, therefore caring for the mouth during this period and breastfeeding will protect the baby's mouth.


At Dr. Parikh's Pristine Dental Clinic we carry out a complete study of the mouth identifying the susceptible factors, as well as early treatments to maintain the balance of a healthy mouth. If there is already a pathology, we perform the restorative treatments necessary to restore that health balance and give the patient instructions to continue with the long-term equilibrium achieved. Patient´s collaboration is very important since the patient will have to follow some guidelines and make a series of changes in habits that protect oral health, ideal supplements for clinical treatment.


Working as a team, the clinic and the patient will maintain a healthy mouth for a lifetime.


Following is information regarding common dental procedures for children.


Pulpotomy and Pulpectomy (RCT for child)

Pulpotomy and Pulpectomy are both procedures that aim to remove infected or inflamed tissue from the pulpal area of the tooth. The most essential difference between the two is that pulectomy removes tissue from the pulp chamber AND the root canal system of the tooth, while pulpotomy focuses solely on tissue in the pulp chamber. These two procedures are the preferred treatments for both symptomatic irreversible pulpitis (SIP) and symptomatic apical periodontitis, in children. It is important to be able to distinguish which treatment is needed because it can have a profound impact on the maturation of the tooth. (Credit:


Habit breaking devices

Tongue thrusting and thumb sucking are the most commonly seen oral habits which act as the major etiological factors in the development of dental malocclusion. Habit breakers do exactly what their name implies — they help patients break or stop a dysfunctional habit, like sucking thumbs or placing the tongue in between the front teeth.



Space maintainers

A space maintainer is an appliance that is custom-made by a dentist or orthodontist in acrylic or metal material. It can be either removable or cemented in a child's mouth. Its purpose is to keep the space open to allow the permanent tooth to erupt and come into place. (Credit: Colgate)The natural light ivory color of enamel can turn to yellow, orange, brown grey - even blue or green. Causes of discoloration include staining from coffee or tobacco, injury that has damaged the pulp, ingestion of the antibiotic tetracycline or high levels of fluoride while the teeth are developing, corrosion from silver filling, and the natural wearing away of the enamel with age.


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