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Teeth Cleaning - Scaling & Polishing

Smiling Lady

   Scaling & Polishing is a process by which we remove old deposits (tar / calculus), plaque (biofilm) and external stains from teeth.
   These deposits are protective house to many harmful microbes which slowly deteriorate the health of your gums and teeth. By removing the deposits through scaling process you provide your teeth, gums and mouth a healthy environment. Removal of deposits also cures your problem of bleeding gums and bad breath. Scaling is followed by polishing with fluoride paste. This paste polishes teeth surfaces so biofilm don't adhere to teeth easily. Moreover, the fluoride in the paste reacts with outer layer (enamel) of the teeth to make them more stronger and acid-resistant against decay.
   It is recommended to get teeth cleaned professionally every six month or whenever your dentist deemed advisable during your regular check-up schedules.
   When you care for your gums and teeth they will also take care of you and last long with you to enjoy meals at older age as well.
So what will happen if you do not get rid of these deposits?
   Well,  these deposits and so microbes inside, slowly eating out your bone below the teeth. This causes bone loss. Now what happens if you take a supporting land from beneath the tree. Yes the tree will become loose and eventually fall down. Same thing happens to teeth. You loose your teeth owing to lack of bone.
   To avoid all the consequences it is always a smart idea to prevent it at the first place. After all, prevention is better then cure.
Author: Dr. Rujul Parikh
Co-author: Dr. Shachi Parekh, Dr. Viral Parekh


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